How has the pandemic affected university students?
Unfortunately, some recent years have been shaken up by the impact of the pandemic. There have been so many changes to the education system. But how has the pandemic affected university students? I’ll be breaking them down today in this article.
Online learning
With all the social distancing guidelines the vast majority of universities were shut down because the guidelines couldn’t be adequately enforced. In-person classes were forced to be canceled, and online learning became the new norm throughout 2020.
Programs like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, and Discord have increased in popularity due to being favored for online learning and teaching.
What are the advantages of learning online rather than in a classroom?
- Affordability and cost – Online learning is way cheaper than it is physical. Why may you ask? No more travel costs, no paying for overpriced student meals, and eliminates the cost of extra accommodation if you’re learning at home.
- Efficiency and organization – With online learning, you can have all your resources in one place, like a folder, instead of copious amounts of different papers and workbooks. It’s easier to share podcasts, videos, and other resources online rather than in a classroom, where students can use their own time to take advantage of the resource provided.
- Increased student attendance – Students have the luxury of attending classes from their own homes or other locations of their choosing meaning that there are minimal excuses for what they can’t attend.
- Suitable for a variety of different learning styles – Every student is different with a unique learning style and online learning can provide the necessary resources and range of options. This environment is perfect for those who thrive working as individuals as there are no classroom distractions.
- Time accessibility – If you’re away or aboard or unable to attend, online lessons are easily recorded for future reference at any time, making them great for revision purposes.
What are the disadvantages?
- Technology issues – Nobody is perfect and computers aren’t perfect, and those who are inexperienced with them may find it difficult to operate them and find solutions for technological issues.
- Being unable to focus – It can be challenging to stay 100% focused on your screen all day. Many possible distractions around you can make it even more difficult than being in a classroom, where distractions can be controlled to an extent.
- Feeling isolated – Sitting alone in your room with your laptop is an entirely different feeling and experience than opposed to sitting in a classroom with your peers of all different personalities and energy levels can leave you feeling like you’re alone and make you miss and crave that sense of interaction.
- Screentime management – Being in front of a screen for long periods will strain your eyes. It’s very easy to forget to take a break and focus on other things like making lunch for yourself or getting a drink, or even going outside for a short while to get some fresh air which can slowly impact your life and health.
- Teacher training sufficiency – Not every teacher has the knowledge or understanding of technology or even the necessary resources to carry out online teaching. Schools must invest in the needed resources so teachers can conduct their lessons seamlessly.
What is happening to the accommodation?
The outcome has been varying at different universities. At the peak, the wide majority of universities were made to shut down and send all the students home as it was close to impossible to enforce social distancing rules; however, the rules have become slightly more relaxed, allowing students to return, but students are now restricted heavily on travel and are also given travel windows if they wish to return home for the holiday break.
The main concerns of closing the schools:
- Grades
- Academic progress
- Social
- Support
- Mental Health
- Productivity
- Remaining closed
Students and staff alike have been uncertain about the future in the education sector as plans have been changing recently along with the lockdown restrictions.
The hit on jobs
Unfortunately, this pandemic has left many without jobs or with much lower pay, including school staff. The cafeteria staff has been laid off due to not needing to produce any food because the kitchens are closed down, several janitors aren’t needed because there aren’t many students roaming the corridors anymore, and recruitment with advertisements for those in the education sector has been minimal.
Teachers have been left in the position of not knowing their next steps, with some even considering leaving their roles to pursue something more reliable.
I hope now you can understand the impact of the pandemic on university students and how has the pandemic affected university students. If you’re looking for some guidance feel free to contact us at Boost Education Service, and we’ll try our best to give you the answers and help you’re looking for.
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