Applied Sport And Exercise Sciences (with specialism)


Applied Sport And Exercise Sciences (with specialism)

This course is designed and tailored to your own preferred specialism in either of the following: Sports Psychology or Strength and Conditioning. The course covers aspects of sports coaching, sports rehabilitation, and analyses fitness through exercise and research which is conducted in our physiology labs. It emphasizes the vital role of physical activity in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease and explores human anatomy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, and psychology which contribute to maintaining and improving health.


  • Contemporary Issues In Sport Psychology (Core to the Sport Psychology Pathway)
  • Advanced Applied Sport Psychology (Core to the Sport Psychology Pathway)
  • The Theory of Strength and Conditioning (Core to the strength and conditioning pathway)
  • Applying Research Skills (Core to all pathways)
  • Advanced Applied Sport Psychology (Core to the sport psychology pathway)
  • The Advanced Practice of Strength and Conditioning (Core to the strength and conditioning pathway)
  • Sport and Exercise Work-Based Learning (Core to all pathways)
  • Sport Research Project (Core to all pathways)


Graduating with an MSc will offer you a range of career pathways. You might go on to complete the UK Strength and Conditioning Association accreditation. You might seek the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s qualification as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Another possible route would be further study for a Ph.D. Essentially, you will be ready to take a step up into working with professional athletes and teams.
