University Of Dundee


Scotland, UK

Competitive for

Undergraduate, Postgraduate




The road to independence 1881-1967. On 1 August 1967, the University of Dundee came into formal existence by virtue of a Royal Charter. A longstanding relationship with St Andrews had come to an end. Dundee was now free to develop in the ways it wanted to. Free, that is, subject to the same constraints of government policies, funding regimes and student choices which all universities in the UK faced then and still face now.

1881 – The beginning
In Dundee in 1881, Miss Mary Ann Baxter and her cousin, John Boyd Baxter – two of the famous Baxter family, who made their money from the Jute mills of the city – donated £140,000 to the creation of a college in Dundee. This was the beginning of the University of Dundee.

From the start it was an institution that stood out. Instead of professors with ivory tower backgrounds, it employed bright young people who realised that to compete in the modern world, Great Britain needed to improve its technological output. William Peterson, who was a Latinist and Scholar, became the inaugural Principal in 1882 at the tender age of 26. Patrick Geddes, who didn’t have a degree, was professor of botany and one of the foremost thinkers in the world.

Undergraduate Courses


Accountancy and Mathematics BSc (Hons)

Accountancy BAcc

Accountancy BAcc (Hons)

Adult Nursing (Kirkcaldy) BSc

Adult Nursing (Kirkcaldy) BSc (Hons)

Adult Nursing (Kirkcaldy) MSc

Adult Nursing BSc

Adult Nursing BSc (Hons)

Adult Nursing MSc

Anatomical Sciences BSc (Hons)

Anatomy (Intercalated) BMSc (Hons)

Animation BDes (Hons)

Applied Computing BSc (Hons)

Applied Computing: Human Computer Interaction BSc (Hons)

Applied Orthopaedic Technology (Intercalated) BMSc (Hons)

Applied Physics BSc (Hons)

Architectural Studies with Wuhan University BA (Hons)

Architecture MArch (Hons)

Architecture RIBA Part 2 MArch (Hons)

Architecture with Urban Planning RIBA Part 2 MArch (Hons)

Art & Design (General Foundation) BA (Hons) / BDes (Hons)

Art & Philosophy BA (Hons)

Arts & Social Sciences MA


Biochemistry BSc (Hons)

Biological and Biomedical Sciences (joint degree with National University of Singapore) BSc (Hons)

Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery (with a year in industry) BSc (Hons)

Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery BSc (Hons)

Biological Sciences (with a year in industry) BSc (Hons)

Biological Sciences BSc (Hons)

Biomedical Engineering (with North Eastern University China) BEng (Hons)

Biomedical Engineering BEng (Hons)

Biomedical Sciences (with a year in industry) BSc (Hons)

Biomedical Sciences BSc (Hons)

Business Economics with Marketing – accelerated BSc (Hons)

Business Economics with Marketing and Geography MA (Hons)

Business Economics with Marketing and History MA (Hons)

Business Economics with Marketing and Mathematics MA (Hons)

Business Economics with Marketing and Politics MA (Hons)

Business Economics with Marketing and Psychology MA (Hons)

Business Economics with Marketing BSc (Hons)

Business Economics with Marketing MA (Hons)

Business Economics with Marketing with French MA (Hons)

Business Economics with Marketing with Spanish MA (Hons)

Business Management – accelerated BSc (Hons)

Business Management BSc (Hons)


Cardiovascular and Diabetes Medicine (Intercalated) BMSc (Hons)

Child Nursing BSc

Child Nursing BSc (Hons)

Child Nursing MSc

Childhood Practice BA

Childhood Studies BA

Civil Engineering BEng (Hons)

Civil Engineering MEng (Hons)

Community Education BA (Hons)

Community Education Work Based Route BA (Hons)

Computing Science BSc (Hons)


Dentistry BDS

Digital Interaction Design BSc (Hons)


Economics – accelerated BSc (Hons)

Economics and History MA (Hons)

Economics and International Relations MA (Hons)

Economics and Politics MA (Hons)

Economics BSc (Hons)

Economics MA (Hons)

Economics with French MA (Hons)

Economics with Spanish MA (Hons)

Education MA (Hons)

English and Creative Writing MA (Hons)

English and European Languages MA (Hons)

English and Film Studies MA (Hons)

English and History MA (Hons)

English and Mathematics MA (Hons)

English and Philosophy MA (Hons)

English and Politics MA (Hons)

English and Psychology MA (Hons)

English MA (Hons)

English with French MA (Hons)

English with Spanish MA (Hons)

Environmental Science (with Dundee & Angus College) BSc (Hons)

Environmental Science and Geography MA (Hons)

Environmental Science BSc (Hons)

Environmental Sustainability and Geography MA (Hons)

Environmental Sustainability MA (Hons)

European Philosophy MA (Hons)

European Philosophy with French MA (Hons)

European Philosophy with Spanish MA (Hons)

European Politics MA (Hons)

European Politics with French MA (Hons)

European Politics with Spanish MA (Hons)


Finance – accelerated BFin (Hons)

Finance BFin (Hons)

Financial Economics – accelerated BSc (Hons)

Financial Economics BSc (Hons)

Financial Economics MA (Hons)

Financial Economics with French MA (Hons)

Financial Economics with Spanish MA (Hons)

Fine Art BA (Hons)

Forensic Anthropology BSc (Hons)

Forensic Medicine (Intercalated) BMSc (Hons)

Foundation Year in Life Sciences CertHE


Genetics, Cancer and Personalised Medicine (Intercalated) BMSc (Hons)

Geography and Economics MA (Hons)

Geography and Environmental Science BSc (Hons)

Geography and History MA (Hons)

Geography and Planning MA (Hons)

Geography and Politics MA (Hons)

Geography and Psychology MA (Hons)

Geography BSc (Hons)

Geography MA (Hons)

Geography with French MA (Hons)

Geography with Spanish MA (Hons)

Geopolitics MA (Hons)

Graphic Design BDes (Hons)


Healthcare Improvement (Intercalated) BMSc (Hons)

History and European Languages MA (Hons)

History and International Relations MA (Hons)

History and Philosophy MA (Hons)

History and Politics MA (Hons)

History and Psychology MA (Hons)

History MA (Hons)

History with French MA (Hons)

History with Spanish MA (Hons)

Human Reproduction, Assisted Conception and Embryonic Stem Cells (Intercalated) BMSc (Hons)

Humanities (with Dundee & Angus College) MA (Hons)

Humanities for All Module


Illustration BDes (Hons)

Interior & Environmental Design BDes (Hons)

International Business – accelerated BSc (Hons)

International Business and Environmental Sustainability MA (Hons)

International Business and International Relations MA (Hons)

International Business BSc (Hons)

International Business MA (Hons)

International Business with French BSc (Hons)

International Business with French MA (Hons)

International Business with Marketing BSc (Hons)

International Business with Marketing MA (Hons)

International Business with Spanish BSc (Hons)

International Business with Spanish MA (Hons)

International Finance – accelerated BIFin (Hons)

International Finance BIFin (Hons)

International Health (Intercalated) BMSc (Hons)

International Relations and European Languages MA (Hons)

International Relations and Politics MA (Hons)


Jewellery and Metal Design BDes (Hons)


Law (Eng/NI) – Accelerated Graduate Entry LLB

Law (Eng/NI) LLB (Hons)

Law (Eng/NI) with Energy Law LLB (Hons)

Law (Eng/NI) with French LLB (Hons)

Law (Eng/NI) with Spanish LLB (Hons)

Law (Scots and English Dual Qualifying) LLB (Hons)

Law (Scots and English Dual Qualifying) with Energy Law LLB (Hons)

Law (Scots) – Accelerated Graduate Entry LLB

Law (Scots) LLB (Hons)

Law (Scots) with Energy Law LLB (Hons)

Law (Scots) with French LLB (Hons)

Law (Scots) with Spanish LLB (Hons)

Liberal Arts MA (Hons)

Life Sciences (with Dundee & Angus College) BSc (Hons)


Mathematical Biology BSc (Hons)

Mathematical Biology MSci (Hons)

Mathematics and Astrophysics BSc (Hons)

Mathematics and Economics BSc (Hons)

Mathematics and Financial Economics BSc (Hons)

Mathematics and Physics BSc (Hons)

Mathematics and Physics MSci (Hons)

Mathematics and Psychology BSc (Hons)

Mathematics BSc (Hons)

Mathematics MMath (Hons)

Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)

Mechanical Engineering with Renewables BEng (Hons)

Medical Education (Intercalated) BMSc (Hons)

Medicine – Gateway to Medicine MBChB

Medicine MBChB

Mental Health Nursing (Kirkcaldy) BSc

Mental Health Nursing (Kirkcaldy) BSc (Hons)

Mental Health Nursing (Kirkcaldy) MSc

Mental Health Nursing BSc

Mental Health Nursing BSc (Hons)

Mental Health Nursing MSc

Microbiology BSc (Hons)

Molecular Biology BSc (Hons)

Molecular Genetics BSc (Hons)


Neuropharmacology and Behaviour (Intercalated) BMSc (Hons)

Neuroscience BSc (Hons)


Oral Health Sciences BSc


Part Time Degree MA

Pharmacology BSc (Hons)

Philosophy and European Languages MA (Hons)

Philosophy and Film MA (Hons)

Philosophy and International Relations MA (Hons)

Philosophy and Politics MA (Hons)

Philosophy and Psychology MA (Hons)

Philosophy MA (Hons)

Philosophy with French MA (Hons)

Philosophy with Spanish MA (Hons)

Physics BSc (Hons)

Physics MSci (Hons)

Physics with Astrophysics BSc (Hons)

Physics with Renewable Energy Science BSc (Hons)

Physics with Renewable Energy Science MSci (Hons)

Physiological Sciences BSc (Hons)

Politics and European Languages MA (Hons)

Politics and Psychology MA (Hons)

Politics MA (Hons)

Politics with French MA (Hons)

Politics with Spanish MA (Hons)

Primary Education PGDE

Product Design BSc (Hons)

Professional Development in Leadership and Management BA

Psychology BSc (Hons)

Psychology MA (Hons)

Psychology with French BSc (Hons)

Psychology with French MA (Hons)

Psychology with Spanish BSc (Hons)

Psychology with Spanish MA (Hons)


Scotgem MBChB

Scottish Historical Studies MA (Hons)

Scottish Historical Studies with French MA (Hons)

Scottish Historical Studies with Spanish MA (Hons)

Secondary Education (Chemistry) PGDE

Secondary Education (Dual Qualification) PGDE

Secondary Education (English) PGDE

Secondary Education (Home Economics) PGDE

Secondary Education (Mathematics) PGDE

Secondary Education (Physics) PGDE

Social Work BA (Hons)


Textile Design BDes (Hons)


Urban Planning MA (Hons)

Postgraduate Courses


Academic Practice In Higher Education PGCert

Accountancy MSc

Accounting & Finance MSc

Accounting, Management and Strategy MSc

Advanced Practice MSc

Advanced Practice PGCert

Advanced Practice PGDip

Advanced Social Work Studies MSc

Anatomy & Advanced Forensic Anthropology MSc

Animation & VFX MSc

Applied Computing MSc

Applied Mathematics MSc

Applied Neuroscience MSc

Archival Studies PGCert

Archives and Records Management MLitt

Archives and Records Management PGCert

Archives and Records Management PGDip

Art & Humanities MFA

Art and Design (Professional Doctorate) DProf

Art, Science & Visual Thinking MFA


Biomedical and Molecular Sciences MSc

Biomedical and Molecular Sciences with Business MSc

Biomedical and Molecular Sciences with Entrepreneurship MSc

Biomedical and Molecular Sciences with Management MSc

Biomedical and Molecular Sciences with Marketing MSc

Biomedical Engineering MSc

Business Administration (Professional Doctorate) DBA

Business Research Methods MRes


Civil Engineering MSc

Clinical Audit and Research for Healthcare Professionals PGCert

Comics & Graphic Novels MDes

Comics & Graphic Novels MLitt

Community Education (CLD Standards Council approved qualifying route) MSc

Community Education (CPD) MSc

Community Learning and Development (Professional Doctorate) DCLD

Comparative & European Private International Law (Dual Qualifying – University of Toulouse) LLM

Comparative & European Private International Law LLM

Computing MSc

Computing with International Business MSc

Corporate & Commercial Law LLM

Creative Writing Practice & Study (part time) MLitt

Creative Writing Practice & Study MLitt

Crime Writing and Forensic Investigation (part time) MLitt

Crime Writing and Forensic Investigation MLitt


Data Science & Engineering MSc

Data Science (part time) MSc

Data Science Module

Data Science MSc

Data Science PGCert

Dental Education PGCert

Dental Public Health MDPH

Design for Business MSc

Developmental Psychology MSc

Digital and Social Media Marketing MSc

Digital Recordkeeping PGCert


Education (Educational Leadership) MEd

Education (Inclusive Education) MEd

Education (International Education) MEd

Education (Leading Learning & Teaching) (part time) MEd

Education (Leading Learning & Teaching) MEd

Education (Nursery/Early Education) MEd

Education (Professional Doctorate) DEd

Educational Assistive Technology (part time) MSc

Educational Assistive Technology MSc

Educational Psychology (Professional Doctorate) DEdPsy

Educational Psychology MSc

Endodontics MDSc

Energy Finance (China University of Petroleum-Beijing) MSc

English Studies (part time) MLitt

English Studies MLitt


Family and Local History MLitt

Family and Local History PGCert

Family and Local History PGDip

Film Studies MLitt

Finance and Banking MSc

Finance and Investment MSc

Finance and Risk MSc

Finance MSc

Forensic Anthropology MSc

Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology MSc

Forensic Art & Facial Imaging MSc

Forensic Dentistry MSc

Forensic Odontology MFOdont

French GradDip


German GradDip

Graduate Career and Professional Development GradCert


Health Sciences (Professional Doctorate) DHSci

Health Sciences BSc

Health Studies MSc

Health Studies PGCert

Health Studies PGDip

Healthcare Law & Ethics LLM

History (part time) MLitt

History MLitt

History MRes

Human Anatomy MSc

Human Clinical Embryology & Assisted Conception MSc

Humanities (Professional Doctorate) DProf

Humanities MLitt


Individual Humanities Module

Industrial Engineering and International Finance MSc

Industrial Engineering and Management MSc

Infection Prevention & Control (full time) MSc

Infection Prevention & Control BSc

Infection Prevention & Control MSc

Infection Prevention & Control PGCert

Infection Prevention & Control PGDip

Information Technology & International Business MSc

International & European Electricity Markets LLM

International Accounting MSc

International Banking and Finance MSc

International Banking MSc

International Banking, Finance and Investment Management MSc

International Banking, Finance, Risk and Regulation MSc

International Business and Entrepreneurship MSc

International Business and Finance MSc

International Business and Human Resource Management MSc

International Business and Investment MSc

International Business and Islamic Finance MSc

International Business and Management MSc

International Business and Marketing MSc

International Business and Strategy MSc

International Business MSc

International Business, Accounting and Finance MSc

International Business, Banking and Finance MSc

International Business, Marketing and Human Resource Management MSc

International Commercial Law (Dual Qualifying – CY Cergy Paris University) LLM

International Commercial Law LLM

International Energy Commerce and Finance MSc

International Energy Commerce MSc

International Energy Dispute Resolution and Avoidance LLM

International Energy Law and Policy (Distance Learning) LLM

International Energy Law and Policy LLM

International Energy Studies and Energy Economics MSc

International Energy Studies and Energy Finance MSc

International Energy Studies and Oil and Gas Economics MSc

International Energy Studies without specialisation (Distance Learning) MSc

International Finance and Investment Management MFin

International Finance MFin

International Finance, Risk and Regulation MFin

International Marketing and Branding MSc

International Marketing and Finance MSc

International Marketing and Management MSc

International Marketing MSc

International Mineral Law and Policy (Distance Learning) LLM

International Mineral Law and Policy LLM

International Mineral Resources Management (Distance Learning) MBA

International Mineral Resources Management MSc

International Natural Resources Law and Policy (Distance Learning) LLM

International Oil and Gas Law and Policy (Distance Learning) LLM

International Oil and Gas Law and Policy LLM

International Oil and Gas Management (Distance Learning) MBA

International Oil and Gas Management MSc

International Petroleum Taxation and Finance (Distance Learning) LLM

Islamic Banking and Finance MSc

Islamic Banking, Finance, and International Business MSc

Islamic Finance MSc


Law (General) LLM

Leadership in Healthcare MSc

Leadership in Healthcare PGCert

Leadership in Healthcare PGDip


Management (Professional Doctorate) DMan

Management and Entrepreneurship MSc

Management and Finance MSc

Management and International Human Resource Management MSc

Management and Marketing MSc

Management MSc

Management, Strategy and Leadership MSc

Medical Art MSc

Medical Education (Anaesthetists) PGCert

Medical Education (for Surgeons) PGCert

Medical Education (General Practitioners) PGCert

Medical Education (Oncology) PGCert

Medical Education (part time) MMEd

Medical Education (Radiology) PGCert

Medical Education (Simulation) PGCert

Medical Education MMEd

Medical Education PGCert

Medical Education PGDip

Medical Imaging MSc

Medicine (Professional Doctorate) DProf

Midwifery BSc

Motion Analysis (distance learning) MSc

Motion Analysis MSc


Nursing & Health MSc

Nursing and Health (Singapore) BSc

Nursing BSc

Nursing MSc

Nursing PGCert

Nursing PGDip


Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Technology (distance learning) MSc

Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Technology MSc

Orthopaedic Science (distance learning) MSc

Orthopaedic Science MSc

Orthopaedic Surgery MChOrth


Philosophy and Literature MLitt

Philosophy MLitt

Product Design MSc

Professional Accountancy MSc

Professional Legal Practice (part time) PGDip

Professional Legal Practice PGDip

Prosthodontics MDSc

Psychological Therapy in Primary Care MSc

Psychology (Conversion) (part time) MSc

Psychology (Conversion) MSc

Public Health (Palliative Care Research) (part time) MPH

Public Health (Palliative Care Research) MPH

Public Health (part time) MPH

Public Health MPH


Quality Improvement and Patient Safety MSc

Quality Improvement and Patient Safety PGCert

Quality Improvement and Patient Safety PGDip


Records Management and Digital Preservation MSc

Records Management and Digital Preservation PGDip

Records Management and Information Rights MSc

Records Management and Information Rights PGCert

Records Management and Information Rights PGDip

Records Management PGCert


Science and Engineering (Professional Doctorate) DProf

Science Fiction MLitt

Scottish History MLitt

Social Sciences (Professional Doctorate) DSSci

Social Work (Professional Doctorate) DSW

Social Work MSc

Spanish GradDip

Spatial Planning with Sustainable Urban Design MSc

Stand alone BSc Nursing and Health Studies Module

Stand alone MSc Nursing and Health Studies Module

Structural Engineering and Concrete Materials MSc

Sustainability and Environmental Modelling MSc

Sustainability and Renewables MSc

Sustainability and the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy MSc

Sustainability and Water Security MSc

Sustainability MSc

Sustainability: Climate Change and the Green Economy MSc


Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages – TESOL (part-time) MEd

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages – TESOL MEd

The Low Carbon Just Transition LLM
